Super that supports customers
Setting yourself up for a prosperous financial future starts with superannuation. But navigating super on your own can be confusing.
That’s why Active Super has a team of people ready to help – in real life. With physical offices in regional and metropolitan areas around New South Wales, local Active Super offices exist for customers to get their questions answered.
We’re in Your Neighbourhood
Apparent helped Active Super raise awareness of these local offices, creating a campaign titled “We’re in Your Neighbourhood”.
The illustration-based campaign was locally-targeted to markets across NSW, with the hero cinema ad running in 87 cinemas around the state, alongside OOH, radio and BVOD channels.
The illustrations were created in-house at Apparent and cinema ad with production partners HoneyMill x Post Office Studios
Our insight showed that the ‘trusted local’ is core to the Aussie experience (think pub, club, coffee shop, butcher), so we created the animated world of “Your neighbourhood”. We populated that neighbourhood with everyday friendly people and places – and most importantly, a local Active Super office!
The highly targeted media placements saw spikes in their local offices, driving pipeline to consultants in those areas.